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January 23 declared IBVM Day to Celebrate Loretto Sisters

Przesłane : Jan-20-2023

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The Loretto Sisters (Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, IBVM) will be honoured annually on "IBVM Day" starting this January 23 – on founder Mary Ward’s birthday.

The Toronto Catholic District School Board passed the motion on Jan. 12.

The Loretto Sisters were the first religious teachers in the newly formed diocese of Toronto. They recently marked 175 years since their arrival in Canada during which at least 75 schools have been supervised, managed or led by the Sisters.

Living out Mary Ward’s call to action to “do good and do it well,” the fruits of their work are ongoing at IBVM-founded Loretto Abbey, Loretto College, Mary Ward and St. Mother Teresa.

For more information about the Loretto Sisters, please visit